31 Янв 2017 Интересные факты 0 1316

4-месячная девочка стала звездой интернета, даже не просыпаясь

Лаура Идзумикава мама очаровательного ребенка, который каждый день во время тихого часа перевоплощается в самых разных героев сказок, фильмов и не только. Не без помощи талантливой мамы, фантазия которой безгранична.
Как отмечают подписчики, Лауре очень повезло, потому что ее дочь родилась настолько спокойной, что не возражает против переодеваний во время сна.

Why did #PrincessJasmine go to the fruit stand in the Marketplace? She was looking for a date.

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Oh my quad Becky, look at her squat. #workout #newyearresolution #yeahright

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Happy New Year! Hoping the fireworks don’t wake up the babies! #HappyNewYear

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

He’s making a list and sniffing it twice. | @target #ad

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

How come #DarthVader took the stairs? He couldn’t find the elevader. He was looking for it in Alderaan places. #rogueone #starwars

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Looking back at old pics and trying to keep it together. #growinguptoofast #throwbackthursday

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Looking back at old pics and trying to keep it together. #growinguptoofast #throwbackthursday

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Looking back at old pics and trying to keep it together. #growinguptoofast #throwbackthursday

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

36 more sleeps until Christmas! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet and we’ve already unpacked our Christmas lights and got Joey into holiday attire. Next comes the holiday music and watching Home Alone! This year will be Joey’s first Christmas and YOU KNOW there will be a bajillion pictures taken. All of Joey. Starting new family traditions is probably going to be the best part of it all. Does anyone have a fun holiday tradition they do every year? Allen and I have these hideous matching Christmas turtleneck sweaters we break out every year but this year, we’ll have to include Joey in the fun. This Saturday we’ll be at the Baby’s First Christmas event at our local @babiesrus to make Jo her first ugly Christmas sweater. It’s gonna be epic. #BRUChristmas #sponsored

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

What did the hungry unicorn say to the carrot? U-No-Corn! | @sarahssilks

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

It’s Friday! AYY! #thefonz

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Happy #Diwali! ✨✨ #JoeyWorldProject

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Behind the shot: Ever since I dressed Jo up as Princess Jasmine a while back, I wanted to try Aladdin. It's been a little more difficult lately finding material to use from around the house as I've been running out of felt and fabrics. It was sort of a miracle finding things to put this #Aladdin outfit together but it worked out! I've been trying my best not to buy the material but reuse what we already have at home or borrow from friends. It's been helping having brands donate costumes but I actually love making my own costumes like this even if it looks a little janky and homemade. (PS. If anyone wants to donate unused felt or fabric in various colors, let me know!) I can't believe it's been nearly 9 months of dressing Joey up. It still continues to be so fun for me trying to improvise with material as well as more importantly, bonding with Joey in this way. Thank you so much for all of your support and love for this silly account of mine! Stay tuned for some fun characters coming up!

Видео опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Turns out Joey isn’t the only baby who will sleep in costume. Who knew! Might have to start including Moseby in these. Next time I’ll have to include a paw-drop. I’m so glad to see that Jo and Mose get along so well. He likes to watch over her when she’s playing and he’s starting to bring over his favorite toy to her so they can play tug-of-war. It’s the cutest thing! I have to admit I was a little worried about introducing Joey to Mose at first but he’s been nothing but the sweetest companion. We’ll be spoiling him for sure this Christmas with his favorite things: toys that squeak and rawhide bones! Is everyone done with holiday shopping? Ah, I still need to start! If you’re looking for inspiration check out http://tgt.biz/y88c for ideas. Happy Pawlidays and Feliz Naughty-dog! | @Target #ad

Видео опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

First time touching snow. ❄️ @gapkids #thehappynow #letthembelittle #shareyourgift

Видео опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Hooray it's the weekend!! #joeychoiz

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)

Long hair don't care. She's ready to eat.

Фото опубликовано Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz)




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